Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hello... Kitty

This was a cake present for our beloved former colleague, she left last month to start her own restaurant business, we decided to make cake of her favorite character HELLO KITTY, ofcourse they ask me to make it :)... i need to wake up at 3 am to make this, luckily it turned up fine... even better than what i imagined. hello cakes....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i'm back on track

It's been a while... i always have something came up when i want to do blogging... i know that i should manage time better.. as time runs quick and lots happen in my life... happy things, new plannings, new life a head... though i still bake cakes... now more often.. :) i catch several pictures of them...

I have to take blogging as my new hobby now, i've always been an anti-technology gal which prefer doing everything traditionally.. manually..., i prefer baking all day long than facing a monitor for a hour... well, i guess no one make me to do this but deep down in my heart i know i like blogging and i need to blog.

During childhood days, every girl would like to have diary to record every day happenings, happy times, sad times.. me also.. but i never managed to record it constantly.. starting with every day as a "must to do" thing then turn into once a week , once a month.... then totally stop till the next years after :) when I suddenly stumbled, found it buried at the bottom of my drawer and curious finds me, read it.... realized that i once was a diary girl... >:O

i never really take recording as an important activity to do.. moreover when you don't have anything to share for that current day.... But i love baking and i want to take every record of baking activity i had, so the blogging will be the record of my baking life.

Love it ... want to do it every day... again... and again.... and never stop