Friday, December 26, 2008

Who says it's a good thing to be a baker??

Yeah... maybe it's weird to question it, but really.. you'll miss lots special moments when you're a baker, especially for the new one (like me for example).

miss what?? i missed lots of Christmas gathering & celebrations, i worked until 24th afternoon, and 24th night i was too exhaust to find a church that held a celebration( my church had it last week) well ... all i could do was just call my friends and ask them to meet in mall, so i won't waste the Christmas moment. So i ended took some pictures of Christmas themed background with my eyes like panda bear... :}

Being a baker, have to be smarter and well organized, passion and patient, diligent and creative... it's a long process of balancing them up.. this year was a mess however i'm proud and i won't do the same mistake next year..

i always trust that everything, if you do with love and passion, someday all your hardworks will be paid off.

24th Night @ TA (T-T)

26th @ EX

X'mas BITES - part 2

Still remember my last posting about x'mas cookies??
it turned out to be a big boom in my office, i received huge orders for them that's mean lots of ginger cookies and lots of houses for my homework..

I end up making hundreds cookies and around 30 ginger bread houses...! less sleep for more than 2 weeks, some of the days i slept only 1-2 hours... lots of headache and stomach pain. A very... very tiring days....

But it's worth...

Merry X'mas 2008 to you and Have a great time celebrating New Year 2009... You can start to think your dreams and resolutions now, just don't forget to make them come true...

The ginger bread houses, full of candy and chocolate. Sweet and colourfull

Ginger bread cookies.... i made hundreds of these T-T

Girl shaped cookies, ready to deliver..

Black Forest chocolate... A Christmas gift

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lazy day 1

Today is lazy day, i called it lazy day because it's holiday! and i can be lazy for just the day hehehe
It's not really lazy day.. because i have lots to do; woke up at 9am, cleaning the dogs (which i didn't do because it's cloudy day afraid it might rain), feeding dog, updating friendster and blog hehe and also trying new recipe (of course, it's a must)

Today's new recipe is pork Cha siew pia ( it's look like pia i.e chinese pastry)
i had to make 2 batch of dough, the first dough i wrongly mixed both sugar & flour together and put less water, which i shouldn't. But at the end, i used them both and it turned out no difference between both dough.

The pia with red dot was made with 2nd dough and without dot was the 1st dough, if i don't mention it you can't tell the different right?

It's delicious and very crispy.. crumble in your mouth... yummy, the experiment had succeed.

decorated cup cakes

One day, my friend asked me if i can make cup cakes. Of course i can, i replied. Her plan is that she's going to sell my cup cakes for charity events in her church.

So i need to do my homework, which is making some sample for her. I like decorating, so when she mentioned about cup cakes, what i have in my mind is colorful cup cakes with cute character on it, with sprinkle and edible pebbles.

What a fun thing to do, soon i starting to search some theme to make, spending 3 days making the cute characters and 1 days putting them on the small individual cup cakes. the cakes are vanilla and chocolate, which is basic and everyone loves it.

Unfortunately, what happen in your mind might different with in others. She thought my cup cakes were too tough (maybe they're not my best cupcakes), i guess she thought about simple chocolate cup cakes and not decorated one because all samples she gave me later on were that kind cup cakes. I promised her to make another batch sample, but as time goes by... i don't have the time hahaha ~.~ promise always easier to say than to keep..... sorry mom... and she never mention it until now fiuuh...~~~


My company was holding a Year End Sale, that sell over stocked goods that are still in good condition, it's a huge sale. One of my friend is going to sell kueh in that Bazar (Sale) and asked me whether i want to sell my cakes also.

I guess this is a great opportunity to promote BITES. I decide that i'm going to sell x'mas gingerbread cookies. This is my 2nd year making these at Christmas.

This year i made 2 kinds, various shape of gingerbread cuts and gingerbread house which decorated with lots of sugar, candie and chocolate. This is my first try to make gingerbread house, luckily they turned out great. I had so much fun making them, i shopped so much chocolate and candie just to decorate those houses.

I made 28 package of cookies and 2 houses for the 2 days sale. Those cookies were made 1 week before, every day after work. Quite tiring, because these cookies need much attention in the details, and drying/ firming time and i also made the packaging which was quite taking time.

Early D-Day morning, i rushed to my office to give the cookies to the stand lady, but i'm quite dissapointed because the table was already full with her cakes and kueh, and there're no room left for my cookies. I can't even display my gingerbread houses and had to bring them back (what a pity). I can't do anything since it's her stand, she decide. So i just put the cookies and trust that the lady will sell them well. That day was awfull i kept thinking that they won't sell well and those thoughts drive me crazy. I decided not to spend much time in my desk. As working time over i rushed to the stand to check the cookies and i found that my cookies were put in the middle of huge piles of breads, cakes and kueh. It's disaster, i can't look no more, i need to leave that place and just trust my cookies' faith in her hand. So i went home.

I just informed today (2 days later) that there're only 6 packs left from the sale, thanks God it's good enough.

JOYCELYN 1st birthday

my cousin called me 1 day before D-Day, she asked me to make a birthday cake for her girl who is gonna be 1 year on 28 November 2008.

I'm just going to leave my house for office when she called, i was in rush and late for my work :). At that time i still had no clue about what i'm going to make for her. Her request were :
- pink
- princess
- 22 cm
- steamed brownie
In office i was wondering what kind a cake i'm going to make, i need to recall all browsed picture that i've seen until now, luckily i have some design stock in my head that i got from internet, actually it's for my friend's girl but what the heck, i going to use it right a way.

At lunch time, i rushed to cake supplies store to grab things i needed. Unfortunately, pricess were out of stock, what left were only mini princesses. They're not going to suit as the cake topper, so i bought strawberry shortcake (look alike) character. It's quite nice too.

That night was a big night, i had to make 2 cakes, 1 for my niece and 1 for my friend. 28th Nov was also my friend's husband birthday, she had booked the cake for weeks ago. It's chocolate crunchy with orange custard.

I slept at 4 am that day and was soo tired. T-T

the first tier was dia.22 cm and the second tier was dia.16 cm, steamed brownies with buttercream.

i didn't have time to take picture of my friend's cake, i'll put the picture here when i make next order hehe