Friday, December 26, 2008

Who says it's a good thing to be a baker??

Yeah... maybe it's weird to question it, but really.. you'll miss lots special moments when you're a baker, especially for the new one (like me for example).

miss what?? i missed lots of Christmas gathering & celebrations, i worked until 24th afternoon, and 24th night i was too exhaust to find a church that held a celebration( my church had it last week) well ... all i could do was just call my friends and ask them to meet in mall, so i won't waste the Christmas moment. So i ended took some pictures of Christmas themed background with my eyes like panda bear... :}

Being a baker, have to be smarter and well organized, passion and patient, diligent and creative... it's a long process of balancing them up.. this year was a mess however i'm proud and i won't do the same mistake next year..

i always trust that everything, if you do with love and passion, someday all your hardworks will be paid off.

24th Night @ TA (T-T)

26th @ EX

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