Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hi.. i'm back

Finally i'm back on track... it's been almost 2 months after my last posting, i had hectic days, PC breakdown and some viruses from the downloads :) finally back on track... i just got my PC repaired for 1 week.

let see... i passed the Chinese New Year & Valentine's day with regretfull, making a reminder that i should take more attention with my PC, so what did i do during these days? well.... these what i did...

Steamed Tiramisu cake :
combination of vanilla and coffee flavor cake with a layer of creamy coffee custard in between

Classic brownie cubes w/ almond

Brazilian Cheese rolls (Pao Queijo)

rice crispy chocolate strawberry and orange custard

layered egg white and custard cake

3 flavor layered egg whites cake (pepe panggang)

The smell of baked cake really comfort me... it feel on top of the world when these bites baked successfully. Stop baking is a scary thought that i hope it wouldn't ever pass my brain... although sometimes tiring but i can't stop baking.

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