Thursday, February 26, 2009

Striving to the Best

In this ordinary day, i received an extra-ordinary phrase.

Thinking a while... we all should striving to the best in our live.
Striving means working hard, building a strong foundation toward a life that never been easy. Although i'm not a kind of "hard working" person however the word need to be apply from now on... my brain starts the alarm, supposedly it'll say : fiuuh... another word of wise... another homework.... another headache... arrrggh...

Don't forget we also need to "working smart"... :)

Lets' striving together.... :)

Monday, February 23, 2009


it's never too late for anything, you can share passion and love through your creation, these are for my beloved friends my edible creations, Happy Belated Valentine's Day

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hi.. i'm back

Finally i'm back on track... it's been almost 2 months after my last posting, i had hectic days, PC breakdown and some viruses from the downloads :) finally back on track... i just got my PC repaired for 1 week.

let see... i passed the Chinese New Year & Valentine's day with regretfull, making a reminder that i should take more attention with my PC, so what did i do during these days? well.... these what i did...

Steamed Tiramisu cake :
combination of vanilla and coffee flavor cake with a layer of creamy coffee custard in between

Classic brownie cubes w/ almond

Brazilian Cheese rolls (Pao Queijo)

rice crispy chocolate strawberry and orange custard

layered egg white and custard cake

3 flavor layered egg whites cake (pepe panggang)

The smell of baked cake really comfort me... it feel on top of the world when these bites baked successfully. Stop baking is a scary thought that i hope it wouldn't ever pass my brain... although sometimes tiring but i can't stop baking.