Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i'm back on track

It's been a while... i always have something came up when i want to do blogging... i know that i should manage time better.. as time runs quick and lots happen in my life... happy things, new plannings, new life a head... though i still bake cakes... now more often.. :) i catch several pictures of them...

I have to take blogging as my new hobby now, i've always been an anti-technology gal which prefer doing everything traditionally.. manually..., i prefer baking all day long than facing a monitor for a hour... well, i guess no one make me to do this but deep down in my heart i know i like blogging and i need to blog.

During childhood days, every girl would like to have diary to record every day happenings, happy times, sad times.. me also.. but i never managed to record it constantly.. starting with every day as a "must to do" thing then turn into once a week , once a month.... then totally stop till the next years after :) when I suddenly stumbled, found it buried at the bottom of my drawer and curious finds me, read it.... realized that i once was a diary girl... >:O

i never really take recording as an important activity to do.. moreover when you don't have anything to share for that current day.... But i love baking and i want to take every record of baking activity i had, so the blogging will be the record of my baking life.

Love it ... want to do it every day... again... and again.... and never stop

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