Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My 1st cake tasting event

It's a small yet fun event... it's my cake tasting event... hurayyy! finally...
actually i never think of this event before or even planing it, until a month ago suddenly it came across my mind... as the holiday coming it might be a good time to set an event. i invited some my friends and relatives to join.

There're some petite four & snacks and wedding cake as the master piece to be served :) i'm glad all went well... i have to consider few thing in the future such as temperature condition and annoying insects the uninvited guest.

all over i satisfied with what i did.... i hope i can create more of such event in the future, i'll be glad doing it, anyone interested??

1 comment:

Yuli Yao said...

Me me me me me !!!
I'm interested...!!!
WE WANT MORE...! (^oo^)