Saturday, November 14, 2009

~ My First Wedding Cake ~

The day has come... The day for my first wedding cake

It drove me crazy... The hours of preparing and making sure that all thing must go well, though it's not a high art wedding cake but it indeed my first wedding cake, so i got so much nervous when preparing it... the most most most difficult part was the fondant covering part.... the cake was so huge, i spent hours thinking how to cover it... Thanks God it went well and thanks to mom for helping me :)...

The next challenge was the delivery... it made me spent sometimes to stuff the tiers and tools into my mini fighter katance car... I had to drive in low speed, one handed, one eyed hahaha something which i never done before.

Despite all obstacle, the cake turn out as good as we planned... Thanks to Andre & Oca for the beautiful opportunity... i also made some cookies for their pre-wed photo shoots using their big theme.... Mr. & Mrs. Birdy... love them love the birdies...

The cookie

pre-wed photo

The sketch
The cake


Yuli Yao said...

Huhuhuhu cake yg ga sempet gw liat, boro2 nyicipin... T.T

Anonymous said...

we LOOOOVE the cake, bagus & enak! :) i hate that menace little devil who bit the birdie! :P

oh and the birdie cookies were awesome! :)