Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New year new spirit of blogging

Today is the 1st day of year 2014, i was accompanying my little boy sleeping when suddenly remembered that i have A BLOG! yes, i was absent for almost 4 years of blogging, since Facebook introduced and invaded my blogging life :) well i can't blame Facebook since it's very instant no need to write long story and words and you can get all information, pictures, videos, shared stories and also not to forget online shops :)

But here as i read my past blogs... i feel i have forgotten how i used to like baking and decorating, being a wife and mother of 2 has made me forget how my life used to be, i once a passionate girl and i need to get back my passion to my first love, baking.

i have quited my job a year ago and find that jobless life has made me less passionate, less inspired and less motivated. Reading my past blogs has awaken me.

I guess i need to get back my blogging life and make  Facebook & coupons websites aside.

Btw, these are my kids, nasty and adorable the same time... :)

However i do bake sometimes & receive some orders too... i will post some pictures in my next blog :) Happy New Year 2014 everyone, may this year bring bless to everyone who work hard for it.

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