Thursday, March 12, 2009

*Experiment Never Fail *

This is an encourage line i got from my long time friend, remembering this line makes me awake from any failure. This time, cup cakes experiment... soon will be some fish cup cakes.. but still haven't find perfect design and perfect dough... so i'll need bunch of experimentation

glad my camera is back, my father borrowed it for sometimes, so i couldn't take any picture T-T, this is 1st picture i took after a whole week....

It was raining all day long when i made the decoration, the air was too humid and started melting my fondant... it's terrible, the decoration became glossy and sticky as you can see T-T. I wish this would never happen again.

The cup cakes were made from 2 batch of vanilla and chocolate with cheese and chocolate chip inside. yummm....

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