Saturday, March 14, 2009


Saturday morning... rushing to finish a cake cake 11.30am is the deadline.

Actually I planned to bake it in on Friday night but as the piles of work won't finish on time so additional hours needed and went a bit late T-T.

The order supposed to be plain green tea cake with custard in between, but as this cake is dedicated for a birthday girl which her name will be appear on the cake... so.. why not giving some pretty decoration as topper... it would be an extra surprise for her.

The cake itself taste extremely soft, fluffy and yummy of course made without adding cake emulsifier. it's just the way it is.... i myself can't even get over eating the crumbles... :) yumm...

Got a shock text message.... a best friend just delivered a precious baby boy this morning.... (@~@)~~ weeks earlier than the estimation....

Welcome Baby Deven... can't wait to make you a cake....!

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