Monday, December 8, 2008

JOYCELYN 1st birthday

my cousin called me 1 day before D-Day, she asked me to make a birthday cake for her girl who is gonna be 1 year on 28 November 2008.

I'm just going to leave my house for office when she called, i was in rush and late for my work :). At that time i still had no clue about what i'm going to make for her. Her request were :
- pink
- princess
- 22 cm
- steamed brownie
In office i was wondering what kind a cake i'm going to make, i need to recall all browsed picture that i've seen until now, luckily i have some design stock in my head that i got from internet, actually it's for my friend's girl but what the heck, i going to use it right a way.

At lunch time, i rushed to cake supplies store to grab things i needed. Unfortunately, pricess were out of stock, what left were only mini princesses. They're not going to suit as the cake topper, so i bought strawberry shortcake (look alike) character. It's quite nice too.

That night was a big night, i had to make 2 cakes, 1 for my niece and 1 for my friend. 28th Nov was also my friend's husband birthday, she had booked the cake for weeks ago. It's chocolate crunchy with orange custard.

I slept at 4 am that day and was soo tired. T-T

the first tier was dia.22 cm and the second tier was dia.16 cm, steamed brownies with buttercream.

i didn't have time to take picture of my friend's cake, i'll put the picture here when i make next order hehe

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