Friday, December 26, 2008

X'mas BITES - part 2

Still remember my last posting about x'mas cookies??
it turned out to be a big boom in my office, i received huge orders for them that's mean lots of ginger cookies and lots of houses for my homework..

I end up making hundreds cookies and around 30 ginger bread houses...! less sleep for more than 2 weeks, some of the days i slept only 1-2 hours... lots of headache and stomach pain. A very... very tiring days....

But it's worth...

Merry X'mas 2008 to you and Have a great time celebrating New Year 2009... You can start to think your dreams and resolutions now, just don't forget to make them come true...

The ginger bread houses, full of candy and chocolate. Sweet and colourfull

Ginger bread cookies.... i made hundreds of these T-T

Girl shaped cookies, ready to deliver..

Black Forest chocolate... A Christmas gift

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