Monday, December 8, 2008

Lazy day 1

Today is lazy day, i called it lazy day because it's holiday! and i can be lazy for just the day hehehe
It's not really lazy day.. because i have lots to do; woke up at 9am, cleaning the dogs (which i didn't do because it's cloudy day afraid it might rain), feeding dog, updating friendster and blog hehe and also trying new recipe (of course, it's a must)

Today's new recipe is pork Cha siew pia ( it's look like pia i.e chinese pastry)
i had to make 2 batch of dough, the first dough i wrongly mixed both sugar & flour together and put less water, which i shouldn't. But at the end, i used them both and it turned out no difference between both dough.

The pia with red dot was made with 2nd dough and without dot was the 1st dough, if i don't mention it you can't tell the different right?

It's delicious and very crispy.. crumble in your mouth... yummy, the experiment had succeed.

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