Monday, December 8, 2008


My company was holding a Year End Sale, that sell over stocked goods that are still in good condition, it's a huge sale. One of my friend is going to sell kueh in that Bazar (Sale) and asked me whether i want to sell my cakes also.

I guess this is a great opportunity to promote BITES. I decide that i'm going to sell x'mas gingerbread cookies. This is my 2nd year making these at Christmas.

This year i made 2 kinds, various shape of gingerbread cuts and gingerbread house which decorated with lots of sugar, candie and chocolate. This is my first try to make gingerbread house, luckily they turned out great. I had so much fun making them, i shopped so much chocolate and candie just to decorate those houses.

I made 28 package of cookies and 2 houses for the 2 days sale. Those cookies were made 1 week before, every day after work. Quite tiring, because these cookies need much attention in the details, and drying/ firming time and i also made the packaging which was quite taking time.

Early D-Day morning, i rushed to my office to give the cookies to the stand lady, but i'm quite dissapointed because the table was already full with her cakes and kueh, and there're no room left for my cookies. I can't even display my gingerbread houses and had to bring them back (what a pity). I can't do anything since it's her stand, she decide. So i just put the cookies and trust that the lady will sell them well. That day was awfull i kept thinking that they won't sell well and those thoughts drive me crazy. I decided not to spend much time in my desk. As working time over i rushed to the stand to check the cookies and i found that my cookies were put in the middle of huge piles of breads, cakes and kueh. It's disaster, i can't look no more, i need to leave that place and just trust my cookies' faith in her hand. So i went home.

I just informed today (2 days later) that there're only 6 packs left from the sale, thanks God it's good enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u have a talent!
all looks gorgeous!
keep the good work!